Thursday, November 30, 2006

day 10: mental overload

Shower? no
Music: none

11:00am Ablutions.
12:00pm Lunch: Mr. Noodles (beef).
1:00pm Reheat coffee. Work (you guessed it: EN; computer), although with frequent interruptions to surf net.
5:30pm Help shovel icy driveway (one-handed).
6:30pm Reheat coffee, work—again, with frequent breaks.
8:00pm Dinner: chicken-eggplant-tofu-broccoli combination. Long parental conversations.
10:30pm Reheat coffee, “work” but not really; Google skin diseases.
2:30am Ablutions.


What happened today? I’m probably reaching my limits of mental concentration, the situation not helped by excessive coffee-drinking. Second edit (paper to computer) of a story I actually like shouldn’t be this hard. May need to deaden myself a little more. On the other hand, starting to feel guilty about lack of human interaction, hence the long conversation with parents. Some talk about possible projects after retirement--pretty cool ideas, as both were previously in media/film/theatre.

Physical pains are creeping in. Twinge in lower back. Rotator cuff really hurt today. Refrained from using it, though (even while shovelling), so hopefully it’ll be all right.

Last but not least, thank you so much for your e-mails & comments :)

1 comment:

Editorial said...

Good luck Catharine! You're going to rock it out.