Monday, November 27, 2006

day 7: loss prevention

Shower? no
Glasses/Contacts? glasses
Music: Xiu Xiu (La Foret, A Promise)

10:00am Ablutions, reheat coffee.
11.00am Work (‘SuddenMvmt’) by continuing to Google credit card fraud, Loss Prevention, retail theft, etc.
2:00pm Lunch: amounts of chicken, pizza.
3:00pm More research and trying to figure out plot, character. Spent an hour and a half reading Mary Gaitskill Because They Wanted To (autographed “for Katherine”) & Bad Behaviour (useful to thesis).
9:30pm Dinner: see above (unfortunately).
10:00pm Work. Some edits to SM.
3:00am Ablutions.

Couldn’t stick with Xiu Xiu once I got off the internet—too distracting. (Incidentally, Fabulous Muscles album—more men should embrace stuffed cats on album covers. What could be better? :)

This has been a really frustrating day and a half. All of this re-researching and plot stuff means that the story has regressed back to first/second draft stage. I’d ordinarily need about a week to turn all this into a halfway decent draft. I think I’ve finally discovered what this story was supposed to be about, which is good, but I honestly don’t know if I have time to fix it. And today’s work felt so unsatisfying! I’m thinking of ditching this for the moment & starting one of the other stories tomorrow.

My snow-shovelling muscles (such as they are) are sore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're so can do it! I spent the other evening with a cheerleader - cheerleading at the university level, you know he's serious - so here's a cheer for you.

Oh Catharine, you're so fine, you're so fine.....damn, not original, not really a cheer...


Gimmie a "c"

Gimmie an "a"

Gimmie a "t"

(continue through the rest of name)

Give her an "M"

Give her an "F"

Give her an "A"

Yayayayaya Catharine!!!!

Here's my day so far:
6:30 am - woke up early so I could get a ride to the dentist instead of digging my car out of the snow

8:30 am - have my mouth frozen for dental procedure....ouch ouch ouch

9:30 am - dental proceudre done, now I have bloody gums - very attractive

10:00 am - bf picks me up from dentist, spent next hour arguing with each other

11:30 am - make lunch for lunch guest who has already eaten

12:00 to now - listen to bf getting a singing lesson. He's working on professional development, why aren't I? I've applied for two jobs in the last six weeks...maybe that's why I'm not getting any interviews. Oh well.

Catharine, soon the snow will end and so will your stories. And then we can bake cookies and go out for coffee!

Lots of love,