Wednesday, November 29, 2006

day 9: caffeine overload

Shower? no
Glasses/Contacts? contacts
Music: Sigur Ros, as before

2:00pm Ablutions.
3:30pm Reheat coffee. Work (EN; computer).
5:30pm Dinner: leftovers.
6:30pm Work (EN; computer).
9:30pm Suffer caffeine overload; take break. Random internet surfing.
11:00pm Work (EN; computer).
1:00am Second dinner(?): avocado sandwich, rice crackers, 2 Peek Freans.
1:30am Work (still EN; computer).
3:30am Sleep.

Caffeine overload already?! I’m not usually so wimpy. Probably has to do with low levels of activity. Took breaks to distract from general discomfort of way-overstimulated sympathetic nervous sys. Sigur Ros worked well again. This music can be cranked louder—plenty of emotional evocation without any verbal distraction (cuz of all that Icelandic/Hopelandic).

Meanwhile, this is getting depressing. Missed several social events this week and will have to reschedule 2 upcoming plays. Oh, and I just remembered Hidden Cameras concert on Monday—will I have to miss that too? Have I got some kind of concert curse? Suffered a number of cancelled shows this fall, including Scott Thompson/Magali M./Bob Wiseman, and Demetri Martin. Need I say that I was really, really looking forward to those?

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